
Box 1: How to make the best use of discount codes in your emails and in Rule

Getting customers’ attention and keeping them engaged is the key to success for any e-retailer. A proven way to achieve this is by including discount codes in your emails. You can do this easily in the Rule. Let’s explore why it’s a winning concept and how best to work with discount codes.

Why should I use discount codes?

You should use discount codes because they are a powerful tool to attract and retain customers, increase conversions and differentiate your e-commerce business in the market. By using them strategically, you can create a win-win situation for both your business and your customers.


How can I best use discount codes?

There are many different ways to use discount codes and the best way can vary depending on the industry, company and brand. Or simply with the objectives of your business. Therefore, we have compiled some examples of how you can effectively use discount codes in different contexts where it creates value for both you and the customer.

Create a sense of urgency with time-limited offers

Use time-limited discount codes to create a sense of urgency. “24-hour flash deals” can encourage quick purchase decisions and give your customers a sense of exclusivity as members. This is about creating incentives for customers to take immediate action.

Attract attention and increase opening frequency

You can use discount codes as a lure. Use a creative subject line promising beneficial discounts to make your emails stand out in the inbox. It’s all about making recipients feel curious and want to open your email. Once they have opened the mailing, you not only have an opportunity to get them to make a purchase, but you also have an opportunity to communicate other important information in the email. Want to learn more about how to write powerful subject lines? Then read this blog post.

Reward loyalty and repeat purchases

Use discount codes as a way to reward loyal customers. Send personalized discount codes as a thank you for their trust or purchase. This is based customer loyalty and increases the likelihood of them returning for more purchases. Positive customer relations are the key to repeat visits.

Use A/B testing for optimal efficiency

Conduct A/B tests on your mailings to experiment with different discount levels and campaign variations. It gives you insights into what works best for your specific target audience. Optimization is the key to success email marketing. When you A/B test your emails, you can find out how effective your offer is and whether you might need to tweak anything. Here you can read more about Rules A/B test function.

Using discount codes to attract new subscribers

With discount codes you can effectively get more people to subscribe to your newsletter. For example, you could implement a pop-up on your website that appears when someone visits it and offer something attractive, like a new customer discount code, in exchange for their email address.

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Discount codes in Rule

Rule, you can easily upload discount codes that you can use in your email marketing for both increased customer engagement and conversions. This feature also gives you a clear overview of how the many discount codes available in your account.

PS. The discount codes must be generated in your e-commerce system, Rule does not generate discount codes.

To maximize the experience of the the discount code function in Rule, we recommend that you use our notifications feature. By combining these two, you will be notified when your discount codes are running out and it is time to upload new ones. Here you can read more about Rule notes!

To make it even clearer, we have listed concrete benefits of using Rule to send and manage your discount codes:

  • Efficient management in Rule
    Rule enables easy loading and management of discount codes. Having a central place where you can store and organize your discount codes makes the process smooth and time-saving.
  • Measurability and analysis
    With Rule, you can easily get an overview of how many active discount codes are in your account today. Being able to analyze and evaluate the performance of your campaigns is crucial to making smart decisions and optimizing your marketing strategy. But as I said, it is good to remember that what you can measure in Rule is how many discount codes are available, if you want to get more information about exactly how they perform and / or how many of them you created that are used – you will find it in your e-commerce system or in your analysis tool.
  • Personalized notification
    The notification feature, combined with discount codes, provides an additional level of control and usability. You can receive notifications when your discount codes are about to expire or when they have been used. This allows you to act quickly and upload new codes to ensure the continuity of your campaigns.

Not a Rule customer yet? Get started today and optimize your discount code game!

Yes, but just as the headline reads, if you are not already a customer of Rule, you now have another good reason to become one. Rule offers a complete solution for integrating and optimizing discount codes in your email marketing, which will increase engagement, conversions and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Book a demo here or create a Rule free, for an unlimited time!

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