
Rule Free – Rules PO & CTO tell

We now present the most significant news for this year! We’ve launched Rule Free – a free version of our complete all-in-one platform. We have created an opportunity for everyone who wants to communicate and increase their digital growth, regardless of company size and cash flow – COMPLETELY FREE. Awesome huh?

To better understand what Rule Free means, how it came about, and for whom we created Rule free, we have interviewed two colleagues from the Rule team. They have both been a central pillar in developing Rule Free. Read the interviews with our Product Owner, Filip Gerhamn, and our CTO, Stanislav Izotov, to learn about Rule Free.


Filip Gerhamn, Product Owner

Filip has been the Product Owner at Rule for 2.5 years. He is currently working on developing our product in both the long and short term to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from the Rule platform. Filip has experience working with customer data in the CRM industry and built intelligent, innovative chatbots in previous workplaces. This has contributed to Filip’s broad expertise in working data-driven and innovatively, making him a natural problem solver.


Stanislav Izotov, Cheif technology Officer

Stanislav works as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Rule, where his main task is to lead product development from idea to function. What motivates Stanislav in his work is his passion for creating engaging systems for both users and end customers.
Stanislav has long been interested in exploring alternative worlds in adventure games, so he spends a lot of time on that in his spare time. And you will also be able to see elements of that in our new interface in the platform.

We start by asking them both - What is Rule Free?

Filip answers:
Rule Free is a free version of Rule where all functionality is included but with certain limitations. What distinguishes Rule Free from regular Rule is that with a Free account, you are limited in the number of emails you can send. With Rule Free, you get an opportunity to try, use and evaluate the value Rule creates for you for an unlimited time without registering a payment card.

Stanislav replies:
With Rule Free, we lower the threshold to start working with a more advanced system for marketing automation via email. It’s easy to start, and you don’t need to register a payment card. Rule Free is a perfect option when you want to try the platform or when you want to get started with your business.

Rule Free onboarding

How did the idea behind Rule Free develop?

Filip answers:
We are proud of our platform and want to show everyone the value Rule creates. Therefore, we stuck to the idea that anyone should be able to test and use our platform – so developing “free” became a natural step. Free is an excellent way to bring in new customers and also be able to show companies the value we create without the user having to commit to anything.

Stanislav replies:
We are in a perfect position where we have a strong product that helps our customers grow. We wanted to broaden it to more customers with the ambition to grow quickly through more innovative marketing. And with that, the idea behind Rule Free emerged, a free version of the platform.

Furthermore, we want to know what the work behind Rule Free has looked like:

Filip answers:
The work behind Rule Free turned out to be bigger than we initially thought. To offer a free subscription, a thorough analysis of what needs to be there for it to be free was required. We concluded that there must be as much “self-service” as possible in the platform, meaning it must be easy to be independent. To do that, we needed to develop new templates and create a clearer onboarding in the platform.

Parallel to working behind Rule Free, a new design was added, and we developed a new and more straightforward interface in the platform, which made the project more comprehensive. The entire project and the creation of the new design have been permeated by the insights we gained from our customer support functions, support, and CSM. They have received and collected feedback directly from our customers and gained insight into how customers experience the platform and its functionality. Thanks to that information, we were able to create as user-friendly an interface as possible and, at the same time, raise the design to today’s standards.


Stanislav replies:
The preparatory work has gathered feedback and explored how the market values and handles its customers. Once we had received feedback, we built our new design around it. This resulted in us now offering a tool that can more easily help current and new customers work with their brand on our platform.

A milestone has been reached - Now you can send all your campaigns from the new interface!

Both Filip and Stanislav agreed that the biggest step to be able to get started with Rule on their own was to create a guiding onboarding in the platform and a new editor in the new Rule. That said, we just completed one of the BIGGEST releases in Rules history. Starting tomorrow, a brand new editor with an intuitive design will be inside the new Rule! This means you can now send all your campaigns from the new interface, making it easier to get started on your own! How cruel? During the summer and autumn, we will gradually move several parts of the old platform into the new one. So stay tuned!

Here you get a taste of what the new editor will look like. Go in and discover it live in the platform tomorrow!

ny editor

Finally, we ask them - Who is Rule Free for?

Filip answers:
Rule free is for everyone! Since there are no limitations in functionality, Rule free is suitable for large companies with complex needs and smaller companies that want to increase their digital growth.

Stanislav replies:
Rule Free is specially designed for those who are in the starting pits and want to reach out to their customers. Or members. But even for larger ones who want to test how Rule works and evaluate the service, Rule Free works perfectly.

Rule Free Onborading

Join the Rule family today!

As you can see, the thoughts behind Rule Free are many, but we agreed on one thing: no one should feel limited in their growth journey, Rule should be available to everyone. Not sure if Rule Free is for you? Below we have collected some points that explain who can benefit from Rule Free.

Rule Free is for those who:

  • Has limited resources
  • Are start-up companies or organizations
  • Wants to grow, both in the short and long term
  • Want to compare Rule against their current systems

So what are you waiting for? Get started with Rule Free today! It is entirely free, all features are included and you can upload unlimited members. Should you have any questions about how to use the platform, you will find all the answers in our knowledge bank.

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  • Pre-made templates and free emails
  • Try our features in your own pace
  • No lock-in period or hidden extra fees

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