Wetail and Rule integration
When you integrate Rule with Wetail, automatically collected customer data such as order history and behavioral data is sent to your Rule account. This means that you can easily collect all relevant customer data on one platform. With the help of that customer data, you can then segment your members in Rule and thus personalize your digital marketing and communication. This, in turn, will result in increased trust, more conversions, and more digital business.
What is Wetail? Wetail offers a subscription service to help its customers further develop their e-commerce. The idea is that it should not matter if you have experience in web design or if you are a beginner; you should be able to build your e-commerce using Wetails drag and drop function according to your wishes and needs. Everything you create in Wetail is automatically responsive for tablets and mobile phones.

Take advantage of the integration between Wetail and Rule and optimize your digital communication. Through interaction between Wetail and Rule, order data such as recent purchases, which product categories the customer has shown interest in, and other order-related data is sent to your Rule account. You then have the opportunity to maximize the power of your customer data by personalizing the customer experience with your brand and, at the same time, increasing conversions.
- Create automated communication with our Marketing Automation tool that is triggered by data from Wetail.
- Through our integration between Rule and Wetail, you can collect valuable data about the asset, engagement, and customer behavior.
When you integrate Wetail with Rule, you can:
- Expand the customer club and build customer loyalty
- Send cart abandonment emails
- Send “back in stock” notifications
- Combine SMS and email communication
- Send strategic Win back communication
- Send digital receipts and transaction emails
- Create advanced communication using Hyper-personalization