
Send Win back Email - win back lost customers

win back email Rule

Give the customer a reason to come back

Just because a customer has not purchased or shown interest in your business for a while, does not mean that the customer is lost. The previous customer may still want to buy your product or service, it’s just a matter of giving the customer a reason to come back. By using custom Win back emails as part of your Marketing Automation strategy, you can do just that. Instead of removing these inactive subscribers or customers from your customer base, a series of Winback campaign emails is a great strategy to use as a last resort to re-engage customers.

Why send Win back emails?

skicka nyhetsbrev

Keep customers

It is easier to sell to existing customers than to new ones. This is because the company has already established a foundation with the customer. Convincing the customer to buy again does not require much work.

Cost effective

It’s cheaper. It costs 4-10 times more to acquire new customers, than to retain existing ones. Companies therefore earn more by setting up a good Win back strategy to not lose hard-earned customers.

öka försäljning

Help with sales

By winning back customers you thought were lost, you can increase your sales. Strategic Win back marketing increases the chances of attracting back an interest in the customer.

Tips for Effective Win Back emails:

Use segmentation

Your customers will appreciate your email significantly more, if they are directly related to them. You can easily segment by creating subcategories. 

These could include:

  • How long ago was their last purchase
  • Low, medium or high-valued customers (based on average purchase value)
  • Customers who have had negative experiences
  • Number of purchases per year
individanpassat innehåll

Use personalization

Personalization is a must for email marketing. It enhances engagement such as clicks and conversion. Customers will appreciate that you use their name in an email to them, instead of “Hello you”. It creates a more personal bond with the customer.

Personalize by:

  • Address the customer by name
  • View purchase history
  • Use personalized product recommendations
Skapa målgrupper och segmentera

Win back your customers by highlighting the value and benefits of your product. For example, if the company offers a software service where you can upload images and the customer has not uploaded any images yet, you can highlight the benefits of using your particular service to store images. Or if the company offers a product that has special clear advantages, compared to competitors in the market, you can in your Win back email press these advantages.

Betona kompetens nyhetsbrev

Provide the customer with a solution

There are many reasons why the customer has not shopped for a while. Instead of trying to guess what the reason is, you can ask the customer for the answer right away. Provide the customer with the opportunity to decide for themselves what type of email they want to receive and how often. Send a feedback form to gather valuable insights, which can then be used to customize future communication with the customer.

marknadsför produkter

Send more than one email

There is no magic email that can engage every uninvolved customer. Therefore, you should not only send one email, but create a series of multiple emails. Send several different emails over a certain period of time, to try to engage customers again. Create a win back flow using advanced Marketing Automation in Rule.

mall för nyhetsbrev

Limited time offer

Offer these customers who have not shopped for a while, good discount offers that are limited in time. Or why not give them a gift? A good tactic is to make the discount clear, by specifying it in the subject line. Use the discount as a last step in your Win back strategy, as some customers may consider reactivating even without a discount. When you’re going to convey a time-limited offer, SMS is an excellent channel to do it through.

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