Dialogtrail and Rule integration
When you integrate Dialogtrail with Rule, you can leverage the power of both platforms. With the help of AI processes, Dialogtrial helps you gain insights into what your customers are interested in on your e-commerce. Dialogtrail’s product search solution offers customers expert guidance anytime. You thus make it easy for your customers to find the right products and accessories. When customers show interest in products on your e-commerce, they leave an impression in the form of data automatically pushed into your Rule account. With the help of that data, you can create automated communication via our Marketing Automation tool that is relevant and as requested by the customer. In this way, you get more satisfied customers.
Dialogtrial wants to change how companies communicate with their customers using interactive product guides. With their easy-to-use platform and the AI solution they offer, you can build a product finder where you ask customers about their needs and immediately present the products that suit them best. This helps e-retailers increase conversions, sales, and average order value.

Integrating Dialogtrial and Rule allows you to get more insights into what your customers are interested in using the data collected from your e-commerce. With the help of Dialogtrial’s interactive product guides, you can easily create customer segments and personalize offers and product recommendations in Rule. You can then communicate those messages via e-mail, automation, or SMS.
- Through our advanced integration, you can take personalized communication one step further and get started with hyper-personalization.
- Create automated communication with our Marketing Automation tool that is triggered by data from your chat function.
When you integrate Dialogtrail with Rule, you can:
- Expand the customer club and build customer loyalty
- Follow up on an abandoned shopping cart
- Send back in-stock notifications
- Combine email and SMS communication
- Win back the customer’s interest with win back email