Blocket and Rule integration
With the integration between Blocket and Rule, you can maximize the power of both platforms and take advantage of the benefits of smart digital communication. If an interested party email about a specific advertisement via the Block, the person is automatically created in Rule. Then you can set up automations with our Marketing Automation tool that, for example, says that a salesperson will contact you or thank you for your interest. This will lead to greater engagement and customer loyalty and deliver a personalized experience throughout the customer journey.
What is Blocket? The block is a marketplace where you can find pretty much everything you need. Right now, it is Sweden’s largest shopping center where you can find everything from prams and furniture to cars and homes. The concept is based on satisfied customers who buy, sell, and exchange gadgets in the home. An advertisement is placed in which city you live in and which category the gadget belongs to. According to statistics, 1 in 4 things is sold within 24 hours via Blocket’s platform. The idea is to change the way we consume for the better and encourage more people to make better choices for a more sustainable society.

Integrating the Blocket with Rule is easy and requires only a few steps to start. When the connection is set up, the customers who are inside Blocket and show an interest in an ad are created as a person automatically inside Rule. When new people are made in Rule, you can send the targeted communication to them with our Marketing Automation tool. This means you can reach your customers automatically through email or SMS.
- Create automated communication with our Marketing Automation tool that is triggered by data from Blocket.
- Increase your sales by combining your e-mail communication with SMS sending
When you integrate Blocket with Rule, you can:
- Expand the customer club and build customer loyalty
- Follow up on an abandoned shopping cart
- Send back in-stock notifications
- Combine email and SMS communication
- Win back the customer’s interest with win back email
- Create advanced communication using hyper personalization